Welcome To InterprofessionalResearch.Global (IPR.Global).


InterprofessionalResearch.Global (IPR.Global) serves as the Global Network for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (IPECP) Research. IPR.Global promotes and advocates for evidence-informed policies and practices through fostering and facilitating theory-driven, methodologically rigorous IPECP research.

The Transformative Power of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Social Justice in Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice - Joint E-Book Discussion Paper

In another delightful collaboration, two leading IPECP organizations— The Global Network for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Research (InterprofessionalResearch.Global) and the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative (CIHC) —have come together to release a thought-provoking discussion paper entitled: The Transformative Power of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Social Justice in Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice – Joint E-Book Discussion Paper.  Several members of the American Interprofessional Health Collaborative (AIHC) are also co-authors of this work and AIHC endorses this work and the importance of addressing IDEA&SJ within the context of IPECP. Inclusion embraces diverse perspectives, making Diversity thrive. Equity ensures that everyone benefits equally from Accessibility measures. Social Justice drives systemic change, promoting Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity.

As we publish this Joint IDEA&SJ in IPECP Discussion Paper, we embark on a journey that transcends mere knowledge acquisition. Our path is illuminated by the guiding principles of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Social Justice —cornerstones that shape not only our professional endeavors but also the very fabric of our interconnected world.

In this dynamic landscape, where health care and education intersect, we find ourselves at a pivotal juncture. The competencies of IPE—team building, ethical practice, role clarification, and effective communication—provide us with a roadmap. Yet, we must go beyond competence; we must infuse our endeavors with an equity lens. For it is at this intersection that our impact truly resonates.

As interprofessional practitioners, we are architects of change. Our mission extends beyond clinical outcomes; it encompasses the lives we touch, the voices we amplify, and the barriers we halt. We recognize that diversity enriches our perspectives, equity levels the playing field, inclusion fosters belonging, and accessibility and social justice amplify our collective impact. But it is when we weave these threads into the very fabric of our practice that we create a tapestry of transformation.

 This comprehensive work invites educators, practitioners, policymakers, and students to engage in informative dialogue and take actionable steps toward a more inclusive, equitable, and accessible healthcare. In doing so and to facilitate a global conversation in building and leading a more inclusive, equitable, and accessible healthcare for all, IPR.Global Knowledge Network is hosting two similar Webinars as following:

  • January 24th, 2024, at 9:00-10:30am EST
  • January 30th, 2024, at 4:00-5:30pm EST

To join a Webinar, please RSVP here (https://forms.gle/aZPwRzy3UGfT6mxP7) by January 22nd, 2024.

IPECP in Post-COVID Healthcare Education and Practice Transformation Era - Joint Discussion Paper

On behalf of the Global Network for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Research [InterprofessionalResearch.Global (IPR.Global)], the American Interprofessional Health Collaborative (AIHC), and the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative (CIHC), we are pleased to announce the e-book publication of the Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (IPECP) in Post-COVID Healthcare Education and Practice Transformation Era. This e-book, as a Discussion Paper, aims to explore and discuss (from a global perspective) the impact and application of healthcare education and practice transformation on IPECP as we emerge from the COVID Pandemic with the goal to identify best practices to integrate and sustain IPECP. The e-book provides information in two main sections:

  • IPECP and Healthcare Education and Practice at a Cross Point: The future of healthcare relies on our successful and systematic evolution out of the Pandemic. The COVID-19 Pandemic has placed healthcare at a crossroads of either viewing it as a temporary situation that requires short-term solutions, or as a major disruption that presents opportunities for innovation for sustainable development and transformation.
  • From Momentum to a Movement: Ways to Integrate and Sustain IPECP in Healthcare Education and Practice: As the landscape of higher education and healthcare is continuing to evolve to meet the growing needs and expectations of students, patients, and communities, it is time for the IPECP leaders to reflect on the changing societal trends, demographics, diversity, and technologies in becoming more adaptable for the future. The healthcare digital transformation and technologies are here to stay and grow, and the sustainability and growth of virtual learning and practice in IPECP will be reliant on how we best utilize them to meet the IPECP agenda and goal of achieving Quintuple Aim.

We call the interprofessional educators, practitioners, leaders, scholars, and policy makers to utilize both ‘Forward Thinking and Adaptability’ and ‘Sustainability and Growth’ in their IPECP approaches and strategies, to achieve Quintuple Aim. As learned during the Pandemic, working together – across professions, institutions, nations, and globally – is essential in emerging stronger and in transforming our healthcare education and practice.

2022 Global IPE Situational Analysis Results Final Report

The Global Network for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Research (IPR.Global) is pleased to announce the publication of its 2022 Global IPE Situational Analysis Results Final Report E-Book. This e-book, as an up-to-date global IPE report after the World Health Organization Study Group on IPECP environmental scan in 2010, (Rodger et al., 2010), presents the results of 2020-2021 global IPE situational analysis survey conducted by the IPR.Global in collaboration with the Interprofessional.Global.

In total, 152 academic institutions from six regions worldwide contributed to the study. As reported in this e-book, despite the significant growth of IPE program development across the globe, the integration, sustainability, and growth of institutional-level IPE remains a top priority around the globe. 

The e-book presents the recent global uptake of IPE along with the micro-, meso-, and macro-level processes that support (or hinder) the IPE programs development and implementation across the globe. The results are presented both at the global and regional levels. This e-book also shares the gained insights on the global status of IPE with the global IPECP community that they can use it in their advocacy towards IPE integration and sustainability in their institutions and regions during the post-COVID healthcare education and practice transformation. To learn more and download the publication, please follow the link here. 

Building Resilience in Health Care in the time of COVID-19 through Collaboration - A Call to Action

IPR.Global has published the “Building Resilience in Health Care in the time of COVID-19 through Collaboration – A Call to Action“.  This Call to Action is the latest publication of the IPR.Global COVID-19 Taskforce – Resilience Initiative with the goal to raise awareness and urge the global health care communities to act strategic and bold, by using system approach, to address the imminent threat of a parallel burnout pandemic through collaboration. 

There is an emergent need to build structures and processes that support resilience among current and future healthcare providers, teams, organizations, and systems. We believe that to prevent from and effectively address such crises in future, a systems-based collaborative approach to developing resilience is required. To learn more and download the publication, please visit us at: https://interprofessionalresearch.global/resilience-call-to-action/.  

The IPR.Global has also published a related Editorial entitled “Advancing health care resilience through a systems-based collaborative approach: Lessons learned from COVID-19” in the Journal of Interprofessional Care. Here is the link to full text of article: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13561820.2021.1981265

The InterprofessionalResearch.Global and the Interprofessional.Global have released “Guidance on Global Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Research: Discussion Paper” in three languages: EnglishPortuguese and Spanish.

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Discussion Paper In:

Who are we?

InterprofessionalResearch.Global (IPR.Global) is the Global Network for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (IPECP) Research committed to facilitate generating high-quality, relevant and contextualized interprofessional education and collaborative practice research that can be understood, used and implemented by a wide range of citizens.  The IPR.Global membership includes world-renowned and emerging scholars, leaders, decision-makers, administrators, service providers, service-users, and students who seek to engage and collaborate with all those involved, interested, or concerned with interprofessional research, education, and collaborative practices.  

our team

IPR.Global has members from more than 15 countries! Click here to see a map of where we’re from!

Want To Be A Member?

IPR.Global is partnering with more than 10 global & regional IPECP networks! 

Wish To Partner?

IPR.Global has number of sponsors, and continue seeking Sponsorship!

Willing To Sponsor? 

The origins of IPR.Global lie in the work of the Global Research Interprofessional Network (GRIN), and In-2-Theory, two international IPECP networks. two international IPECP networks. READ MORE…

On the Horizon

IPR.Global Has Launched its Best IPECP Research Awards at CAB VII in Indiana! 

The 2020-2021 Award was presented during the 2021 NEXUS Summit.

The 2022-2023 IPR.Global Research and Leadership  Awards will be presented at ATBH XI in Qatar in November 2023, Stay Tuned!

IPR.Global, in collaboration with AIHC and CIHC, is working on developing a discussion paper on DEI and IPECP

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